Last April we found out that the 2019/20 Budget’s only investment in Ballarat’s infrastructure was $10 million for upgrades to the Sunraysia Highway from Ballarat to Ouyen.
Now, documents tabled in Senate Estimates have revealed that even this investment won’t pay off until well into the future – if at all.
“Ballarat has many infrastructure needs that the Government could invest in – from airport upgrades to sporting facility upgrades. But instead all we are receiving is $10 million to upgrade the road to Ouyen, and even that funding is years away”, Ms King said.
The figures released reveal that of the total $10 million of Commonwealth investment in this project, only $2.59 million will be delivered through 2022/23. The remaining $7.41 million is beyond the forward estimates, with the final funding not due to arrive until 2027/28.
“With a struggling economy, the Morrison Government needs to deliver more than just smoke and mirrors.
“If the Morrison Government was truly interested in Ballarat and our regional economy they would invest in the infrastructure our growing community needs.
“Instead of investing based on community need, the Morrison Government continues to invest based on their political need as we’ve seen with Sports Rorts and Road Rorts.”
13 March 2020