Catherine King MPFederal Member for Ballarat
Find Catherine's Electorate, Ministerial and social media details below.
Electorate Office Address
5 Lydiard Street North Ballarat VIC 3350
Electorate Office Postal Address PO Box 719Ballarat VIC 3353
Phone(03) 5338 8123
Parliament Office
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government of Australia
Ministerial Office Postal Address
PO Box 6022House of RepresentativesParliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600
Phone (02) 6277 7520
Follow Catherine on Social Media
Triple Zero
Any emergency that requires Ambulance, Police or Fire services Call 000
Police Assistance
When you need police but not the sirens 131 444
Crisis support and suicide prevention 131 114
For carers or parents of children aged up to 18 years old 132 289
Crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
13 92 76
National youth helpline
1800 650 890
The Orange Door
For people experiencing family violence or requiring assistance with young people 1800 219 819 (Ballarat office)
Nurse On Call
Health advice 1300 60 60 24
Ballarat Electorate Office