Scott Morrison should fund all projects recommended by Sport Australia under the Community Sport Infrastructure program but snubbed for a grant by his Government.
It won’t make up for the arrogant contempt with which his Government cheated hard-working grassroots sports club volunteers across the country, but it is the very least he could do.
“It is clear that projects in safe seats were not given the same consideration as projects in Liberal or marginal seats. This means projects in Ballarat might have missed out on funding that Sport Australia had recommended,” Ms King said.
“While the Government has not released the list of projects recommended by Sports Australia, any that were rejected on the basis of Scott Morrison’s political calculations deserve to be funded.”
Organisations that applied for funding in the Ballarat electorate include Bacchus Marsh Little Athletics, Victoria Bowling Club and Hepburn Council for upgrades to the pavilion at Laurie Sullivan Reserve.
Labor has now established a Senate Select Committee inquiry to pursue the truth about who was involved in the Morrison Government’s industrial-scale pork-barrelling plot.
“Now that the Morrison Government has been caught out, the very least they could do is to provide community sporting groups with the funding they deserve.”
06 February 2020