Federal Member for Ballarat, Catherine King has today joined the Dana Street Primary School community in calling for federal Black Spot funding to upgrade the dangerous intersection of Dana Street and Dawson Street South.
“This busy intersection is traversed by thousands of cars each day, particularly at school pick up and drop off times.”
“This intersection has seen more than its fair share of incidents. With parents trying to find a park, kids crossing the road and commuters and shoppers trying to get into town it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or worse.
“Any parent who does the school run knows how stressful it can be getting your kids safely to the school gate on a busy morning, the last thing anybody needs is poorly designed roads making it more dangerous.
“The Commonwealth has funding available through the Black Spot Program to upgrade roads just like this one – I encourage them to put this intersection at the top of their list.
“The Morrison Government averages a $1.2 billion infrastructure underspend each year, including a total underspend of almost $162m for the Black Spot Program. That shortfall represents countless roads across our community and around Australia that could have been upgraded but haven’t been.
12 January 2021